NY: 7-year-old charged with rape, lawyer calls it ‘absurd’

[wwnytv.com – 3/29/21]

BRASHER FALLS, N.Y. (WWNY) – A 7-year-old boy from Brasher Falls has been charged with rape.
State police didn’t release much information, but said the unidentified child was charged with third-degree rape on March 23.

Troopers say the incident was reported on Thanksgiving.

The child was cited and released. The case will be handled in Family Court.

Police say the investigation is continuing.

We spoke with a New York City attorney, who is with a group that handles youth defense cases.

“Instinctually, it shouldn’t happen that a 7 year old – I don’t think you even could really realize what you’re doing at 7 years old. So I think it’s absurd to charge a 7 year old with rape. They’d have to prove he actually physically committed this act, which to me it almost seems to be an impossibility,” said Anthony Martone, Queens Defenders, felony youth defense unit director.

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If the allegations are true, our society is going down the drain at a high flush rate. How can a 7 year old be charged with rape?

Does this mean the Gov of NY is next given the standing allegations against him or is this another sacrifice of a NYer for the greater good?

“We can use the database to protect our children.” They said.

The article also mentioned that the minimum age to charge as a juvenile delinquent is about to change to 12. Sounds like the DA wanted to get one more in there…

Last edited 3 years ago by Dustin

Maybe they should add charges of “mayhem”, playground gang affiliation, RICO, conspiracy to watch cartoons, vegetables & tax evasion, candy money laundering, etc. Ridiculous.🙄

Here we see more disturbing destruction of lives and the viral nature of infrastructure’s inevitability of mass electronic distribution of data way beyond the SCOPE of what is “necessary” for manifest societal good. Guess the Rehnquist court missed that part.
The United States charges 7 year old for rape.

Hyperlinks to this data set ( story) promulgating at light’s speed. Collated copies rendered world wide, some collected for eternity or power outage.
To be useful for whatever and whosoever extrapolate reason. Maybe Oprah should do an interview? Dr. Phil?

Hell let them online auction for it?

With regard to charging young children with such crimes, Julia Davis, the Director of Youth Justice and Child Welfare at the Children’s Defense Fund of New York, said:
“Contact with the criminal justice system, it could really be harmful: biologically, psychologically and in terms of their social development.”
Really? Ya think?? 😖

Ummm… “biologically”?? Anatomically? Physiologically?
Will it stunt their growth?
Lead to organ failure?
Reduce hormone and neurotransmitter levels?
What odd wording. 🤔

I did a Google search of this news. Many articles out there but not one has mentioned or even given a hint as to what allegedly took place, with whom (male-female), age or any morsel of information. I read up quickly on NY statute for 3rd degree rape. Wanted to know what it encompassed. Conviction: 14 months to 4 years in prison.

Can you imagine being the state trooper who had to put the cuffs on this 7 year old? What must have been going thru the mind of the 7 year old at that moment. The 7 year old’s parents?

And to think it is possible that this 7 year old could end up on the registry.

When I was in treatment, my therapist said it’s normal for kids to “experiment.” Kids don’t know what sex is at that age. Have we lost our minds? Charging a 7 yo for any crime, let alone a sexual offense, is like something you’d read in The Onion. How much lower will the bar go?